General Safety Guidelines
All riders must sign a liabilty waiver before entering the track.
Riders under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian present to sign their waiver or follow the minor waiver process.
Riding is only allowed during designated hours and when staff is present.
No Motorized Pit Vehicles – Pedal Power Only
Motorized pit vehicles are strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, golf carts, side-by-sides (SxSs), ATVs, pit bikes, 50cc or 65cc bikes, skateboards, electric bicycles, and similar vehicles.
Protective Gear Requirements
All riders must wear protective equipment at all times.
Minimum Required Gear:
Dot-approved or SNELL-certified helmet
Goggles, gloves, and long pants
Over-the-ankle boots (required even in the pits; motocross boots are highly recommended)
No joyriding in the grassy areas, woods, fields (we do not own the 20 acrea soybean field)
Fires: Only propane fires are permitted; wood fires are strictly prohibited.
No passengers on dirt bikes
Only enter and exit the track at the designated location. There is one entrance and one exit.