Caution Alerts

Caution Light System
We have made a significant investment in a WiFi-based network infrastructure across the property to support a centrally managed caution light system. This system comprises 10 amber caution lights and 2 red caution lights, strategically positioned for safety and efficiency.

Amber Caution Lights:
Amber caution lights, equipped with sirens, are positioned around the track. A flashing light indicates a downed rider. Riders should not jump but instead roll over the jump cautiously when these lights are active.

Red Caution Lights:
Red caution lights are located at the track entrance and exit. When flashing, all riders must immediately exit the track. These lights are primarily used during track maintenance activities, such as watering.

System Activation:
The caution lights can be activated by our staff using remote control devices or WiFi-enabled applications on iPhones, laptops, and tablets. Riders and spectators can also trigger amber caution lights by pressing a button on the side of designated light boxes or along the track fence.

When any of the 10 amber caution lights are activated, corresponding indicator lights in the signup building, scoring building, and Polaris RZR light up for enhanced visibility and coordination.

We continue to invest in camera systems positioned around the track. These cameras provide real-time views accessible from the signup trailer and scoring areas, improving track monitoring and ensuring a safer environment for everyone.