Bathrooms: Located in tan buildings with red trim, available at the front of the property and beyond the starting gate area.
Showers: Accessible in the front building only. The men’s bathroom includes a private shower. Two private fiberglass shower stalls completely separate of the bathrooms are available via the front door facing the main road.
WiFi: Free high-speed WiFi is available throughout the property. Network name: SFMX Password: southfork
Camping: Free dry camping is available. Electric hookups are available at $20 per night for 30-amp service and $30 per night for 50-amp service.
Water: Fill RV or bike wash tanks using the spigot by the two story scoring tower.
Bike Wash: located at the rear of both bathroom buildings.
Electric: $20 per night for 30-amp service, $30 per night for 50-amp service.
We do not reserve parking or electric services; however, we have 12 electric spots available and have never run out.
Parts: Spare tubes for small and big wheel 85s and big bikes, some front and rear sprockets, chains, 2-stroke and 4-stroke oil, coolant, goggles, gloves, some levers, few spark plugs.
We are not a retail store. Our parts inventory is maintained to support riders in urgent need, ensuring they can quickly get back on the track. We kindly ask that you avoid using our supply to restock your personal inventory. Purchasing spare parts from us may unintentionally inconvenience another rider in need and hinder the park’s overall experience.